The Effect Of Different Inclination Angles On Heat Transfer Enhancement Of Ferrofluid In A Closed Helical Loop Oscillating Heat Pipe Under Magnetic Field

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T. Nagaraju, Dr. V. Rambabu, A. Lakshumu Naidu


The effect of the copper closed-loophelical oscillating heat pipe (HOHP) under the magnetic field for inclination angles varying from 00 to 900 under different heat inputs from 10w to 90w are discussed in this paper. The working fluid was Fe2O3/Kerosene nano - fluid with a filling ratio of 60% by total volume. The helical oscillation heat pipe's thermal efficiency increase was measured. The heat transfer coefficient of the heat pipe was tested both with and without the magnetic field. By exposing the ferro-nano particles to a magnetic field, the vapour temperature was measured directly at the centre of the oscillating heat pipe. Fe2O3 nanoparticles were shown to improve thermal resistance and, as a result, thermal performance as well as the heat transfer coefficient of the pipe. Especially in the presence of a magnetic field. The heat transfer coefficient of the heat pipe rose as the input heat flux increased. The results also showed that the inclination angle of the heat pipe had a considerable impact on its performance.

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