A Study Of Factors Responsible For Existence Of Glass Ceiling In Higher Education Sector In Haryana

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Indu Kochar, Dr. C. Venkateswaran


Women, all over the world are treated, if we use the words of Aristotle, ‘an inferior type of man.’ Long before this Manu, the ancient Hindu law- giver used derogatory remarks to define the position of women in Hindu society. It is so because it is the world of man, controlled and dominated by him. However, this has always been the attitude of society whether in the East or West or in the Feudal ages. In India this attitude is still persisting in many forms. In a society deeply prejudiced against women it cannot be expected to give up the idea of male chauvinism so easily. The status of women in a society is determined by the quality of participation by women in nation building activities. In this regard, India represents a unique paradox. While we have the distinction of having woman Prime minister, Chief ministers, Governers, Justices, Police officers, Administrative official and women representatives in a number of international fora, the status of common Indian women is still inferior.

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