Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Work-Life Quality for Female Nurses in Medan City, Indonesia

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Nuraini, Heru Santosa, Erna Mutiara, Wirsal Hasan, Etti Sudaryati


This study aims to determine the factors that form the work-life quality of female nurses in Indonesia. The study population includes 836 female nurses from 9 hospitals in Medan City, the sample size was determined using the Slovin 270 formula and by accidental sampling technique on nurses that work in the morning shift. The data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis with PLS software version 3.2.2. Furthermore, the validity and reliability of the instrument were obtained based on the outer model analysis, while the factors analysis was used to determine the work-life quality based on the T-value. The confirmatory factor analysis (n = 270) showed that the factors that form the work life quality nurses include work/home life (t-statistics = 2.079), work design (t-statistics = 5.329), and development opportunities (t-statistic = 5,329). Based on the results, the work-life quality of female nurses is improved by managing the constituent factors.

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