Strategic Management Of Metro City Madrasah Aliyah (Case Study At Madrasahaliyah Metro)

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Julitri Maria , Juhri AM , Erlina , Khairudin Wahid


Strategic management provides clearer direction and guidance regarding the future, so that madrasah can develop clear steps towards superior madrasah. This study aims to analyze and describe: (1) The process of strategic planning (2) Strategic environmental management. (3) Management of short, medium, and long term plans. (4) Strategic organizational culture management. (5) Implementation of strategic management evaluation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study design. The data in this study were obtained from research informants, namely the head of the madrasah, the head of affairs, the deputy head of the madrasah. Research locations are Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Metro, Madrasah Aliyah Boarding School Muhammadiyah Metro and Madrasah Aliyah Mamba'ul Ulum Metro. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentary studies. The research results obtained: (1) The strategic planning process includes the preparation of the vision, mission and objectives. Organizational goals are a description of the mission, and Mission is a statement used as a way to communicate the goals of an organization. (2) A strategy is needed to use strength to overcome threats or challenges, to use strength to take advantage of opportunities and a madrasah requires a strategy to use strengths to take advantage of opportunities. Strategies to reduce weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities, strategies to cover weaknesses by taking advantage of threats. Not all madrasah have strategies to reduce weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities. (3) Management, aspects of short, medium, and long term plans All elements make work programs based on their main tasks. (4) The management of strategic organizational culture includes the socialization of madrasah culture, closely related to the vision and mission of the madrasah principal, positive habits and values ​​that bind all madrasah citizens. Rewards and punishments, Madrasah superior culture. (5) Implementation of strategic management evaluation includes monitoring, measuring performance, and taking corrective steps. Monitoring every aspect, be it learning activities, the performance of all elements on a regular basis. Evaluate the results of cooperation with external parties. Supervision by the head of Madrasah and supervision by Madrasah supervisors. Teacher performance appraisal document (PKG). School Self Evaluation (EDS) once a year by the school development team. 


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