Freelancer – Client’s Relationship in Digital Marketing – A Commercial Friendship

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Dr. C. Gayathiri Devi, Mrs. I. Arthijone,Mrs. A.S. Angelin Prema , Ms. W. Angelin Felcia, Ms. M. Janaranjani


The value of client loyalty is inextricably related to the company's long-term survival and expansion. Customer service has become a critical element for any firm, whether it is manufacturing or providing services, in today's business world. Objectives of the study,to examine how Experience with customer service representatives in selected respondents in Coimbatore City and to investigate personal variables (age, gender, educational qualification, occupation and monthly income and level of satisfaction towards client relationship digital marketing. This study's technique was a survey-based descriptive research design, which was utilized to find answers to the study's objectives. In this study, both primary and secondary data were employed. A systematic questionnaire was used to obtain primary data. In this study, secondary data was collected both online and offline. It is critical to select the appropriate resources in order to ensure that the research is accurate and compatible with future research.

Findings of the study, the customer service representative handled my call quickly ranked with first with highest weighted mean of 4.00, followed by the representative knowledge second rank with 3.89. While courteous is ranked three, thus it is concluded that customers are very much satisfied they handled the call quickly. Suggested this study,believe is at the establishment of any long-term relationship with a client. The more certain your clients feel in your skill and aptitude, as well as what you really do, the more they’ll believe you to supply them with the correct arrangements. Conclude this study,this is especially true for service providers, whose relationships with clients differ from other customer-vendor relationships.

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