Innovative “Triple Helix” Projection: Favorable Environment For Digital Medicine For Making Medical Decisions

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Krutikov Valery Konstantinovich , Kosogorova Lyudmila Alekseevna , Yakunina Maria Valerievna , Sharov Sergey Vladimirovich


The article examines the global trends in the innovative development of medicine, the technological basis of which is nuclear medicine and pharmaceuticals, diagnostic and therapeutic systems, digital technologies used to solve the problems of the medical sphere and the nuclear industry.Areas are considered related to the development and production of new materials, in particular radio pharmaceuticals for medical purposes according to the GMP standard, modification of materials, ionizing processing of agricultural and food products.
A perspective projection of the development of the "triple helix" system is presented, which is implemented through the creation in the city of Obninsk of the Kaluga region of the Innovative Scientific and Technological Center (INTC) "Park of Atomic and Medical Technologies", which acts as a logical continuation of the process to improve the activities of the existing cluster of pharmaceuticals, biomedicine and biotechnologies.Thanks to the comprehensive support of the state, a promising environment for innovative development is being formed, providing unlimited opportunities for conducting research work, implementing international cooperation, and training highly qualified personnel.Opportunities for constructive cooperation between business associations and scientific communities have been maximally expanded, providing, on the one hand, the creation of a reliable financial and material and technical base of science, on the other, increasing productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, and other business indicators.In the end, the main task is being solved - improving the quality of life and preserving human health and life itself.
The authors, as in previously published articles [1, 2], but at a higher quality level achieved thanks to new scientific results, consistently defend the position of the need to improve the “triple helix” system.On the example of the development of a specific project - the "Park of Atomic and Medical Technologies" and the cluster of pharmaceuticals, biomedicine and biotechnologies in Obninsk, the researchers demonstrate that constructive, mutually beneficial cooperation between the state, business organizations, scientific and educational communities and societies ensures the building of a new innovative

projection of civilizational development.

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