Landscape Katena "Northern Ergeni"

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Alexander Sergeevich Rulev , Gleb Alexandrovich Rulev , Olga Vasilyevna Ruleva


The landscape catenary reflects the role of the leading geological-geomorphological factor. This is consistent with the synergetic principle of subordination (Haken's principle). The object of the study was the landscape catenary of the ecotone space between the south of the Volga upland and the Northern Yergeny. The test sites "Lysaya Gora", "GZLP Volgograd-Cherkessk", and "Chapurnikovskaya Balka" were identified. During the study, the methodology of landscape-catenary sections was used, including the study of: mesorelief; plastic relief (the ratio of positive and negative elements of mesorelief); microre-lief and the structure of the soil cover. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic practice, a method of analysis and modeling of landscape catenae is proposed, based on the synthesis of the principles of the catenary-logistics approach, methods of terrain plasticity, morphodynamic analysis and remote monitoring.The methodology of land-scape-catenary sections allows us to conduct a modern analysis of the plasticity of mesorelief and soil-landscape cover. This makes it possible to adapt the technologies of creating a forest management system to the intra-national variation of forest suitability, i.e., the adaptation of forest reclamation systems to the spatial heterogeneity of specific litho-national and soil con-ditions.

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