Stastical Analysis and Effect of Primary Nutrient (N,P,K) in Coal Ash Admixed Wasteland Soil through Vesicular – Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Invation

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Mamta Verma, Kirti Verma, Pushpa.H, Seema Dubey, M. Sundararajan, Bilquees Jahan Khan


 Low availability of primary nutrient, a very common nutritional problem in Indian soils during crop production and needs chemical fertilization. Coal ash contains nitrogen (0.0075%), phosphorus (0.0195%) and potassium (0.0265 %). The problem with the use of existing combination of soil and coal ash in agriculture is the unavailability of soluble primary nutrient. So in order to overcome the problem of unavailability of primary nutrient in indian soil and simultaneously the constructive use of coal ash in agriculture, the present work has been taken up where the effect of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) isolated from the rhizospheric soil have been observed on wheat plant (Triticum aestivum) grown in different treatment of soil admixed with coal ash (0-25%).

Different morphological observations like plant height, leaf area index and grain yield were studied at regular interval of 20 days till their maturity phase during the entire cropping. Physico– chemical properties like pH, conductivity and primary nutrient (N, P, K) were also evaluated. The enhancement of primary nutrient nitrogen by 21.20%, phosphorus by 24.91%, and potassium by 21.70% over control have been noticed after the addition of mycorrhizae spore to their respective control (-VAM) and indicated the contribution of mycorrhizae in solubilization of unavailable nutrient. The addition of mycorrhizae spore have also improved the plant growth and grain yield.

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