Implementation Of Budget Policy For Handling Covid-19 Pandemic In Bekasi City

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Bambang Heru Purwanto , Iman Sudirman , Hesti Widiastuti


The implementation of policy in the budget for the COVID-19 pandemic in Bekasi City has not been fully achieved effectively. The Bekasi City Government and its ranks comprehensively have not been optimal in implementing accelerated measures to deal with COVID-19. This will certainly be very inhibiting the acceleration of handling COVID-19 in the Bekasi City Government in handling the field of health, handling economic impacts and providing social safetynet. The research method used in is descriptive analysis with the type of approach being qualitative case study methods. The results of the study are that there are several factors that cause the implementation of policy kin budgeting for COVID-19 pandemic in Bekasi City has not been fully effective, namely communication factors and policy factors. so that it can interfere with the acceleration of pandemic handling in the city of Bekasi. To streamline this, the Mayor of Bekasi ordered the Local Government Budget Team (TAPD) to immediately make adjustments to the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in 2020 by refocusingthe budget both revenue and spending and thenre-allocation of the budget in Unexpected Spending to be used to accelerate the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic adequately. and increase capacity and coordinate with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), community organizations as well as community / religious leaders to socialize and appeal to the public to avoid the spread of COVID-19. The realization of implementation of budgeting policy for COVID-19 pandemic in Bekasi City effective by the Bekasi City Government includes support from all parties to the policyin budgeting for COVID-19 pandemic food in Bekasi City, COVID-19 through the policy of implementing the RukunWargaSiaga program can be said to be effective, the synergy of TAPD and Regional Devices in supporting the Mayor's commitment Bekasi, strengthening the coordination and synchronization of pandemic management policies between stakeholders and community non-compliance with government appeals from both the Central Government and the Regional Government of Bekasi City can be avoided.

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