Development And Validation Of RP-HPCL Method For Simultaneous Estimation Of Cefotaxime Sodium And Paracetamol In Synthetic Mixture

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Gamal Osman Elhassan , Jamal Moideen Muthu Mohamed , Jawed Akhter , Jiyauddin Khan , R.Vijaya


The cefotaxime sodium (CFT) and paracetamol (PCM) havebeen used as broad-spectrumantibiotics and antipyretics, respectively. Our goal was to develop a fast and highly sensitive simultaneous method of CFT and PCM. Itwas detected by a UV detector using a MerckC18column.The optimized and developed method found that the mobile phase was optimal with a flow rate of 0.8 mLmin1 of 1% formic acid in methanol.We found that the limits of detection and quantitationare in ppm. It was found that the retention of both drugs was less than 4 minutes. Accuracy and precision were at their limits. The proposed method has been validated for its synthetic mixtures, and it hasbeen observed that this method can be used for routine analysis of CFT and PCM at one dosage from.

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