Nanoparticles For Correctiing Food Microflora

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Mohammed T. Mahmood , Azeez Z. A. , Marinin A.I. , Krichkovskaya L.V. , Dubonosov V.L. , Lysak P.U.


Experimental data show that the presence of SNPs in the nutrient medium makes it possible to quickly suppress the development of bacterial microbiota and intensify the process of accumulation of the producer's biomass. The introduction of SNP inhibits bacterial microbiota and promotes the growth of the biomass of the producer. In thise research, several methods of processing raw materials and , products of fermentation industries with solutions of silver nanoparticles have been developed, to increase the possibility of their safety and finished products due to a decrease in the level of biological infection. In fermentation plants, the development of a bacterial infection can negatively affect the organoleptic properties of the final product. Losses of beer associated with a decrease in quality indicators account for up to 4% of the total volume of manufactured products. Taking into account the peculiarities of beer production, especially in small volumes, this indicator can be significantly higher for small businesses. Considering the fact that in order to be competitive, products must have outstanding organoleptic characteristics, even minor changes in taste, color and smell of beer can lead to the loss of a significant number of customers. The use of colloidal solutions of SNPs to control microbiological contamination of microorganisms can lead to a decrease in product losses.

Based on a study examined the effect of colloidal solutions of SNPs on microorganisms of fermentation industries (yeast, bacteria, filamentous fungi), it has been found, that SNPs are able to effectively inhibit the vital activity of bacterial microorganisms, the process of yeast generation, regardless of the structure of the cell wall of the microorganism and its ability to sporulation. In significant concentrations, SNPs inhibit the vital activity of cultured yeast. The environmental safety of the production of beer, kvass, alcohol - fermentation plants - is largely due to the microbiological safety of raw materials and production, which can be provided by the nanoparticles studied in the article.

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