Systematic Study Of The Genus Cressa L. (Convolvulaceae) In Iraq

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Nidaa Adnan Abu-Serag , Shaemaa Muhi HassonAL-Amery , Ban Abdul Hussein AL-Khafaji


Cressacretica a unique species belongs to the genus Cressa L. in Iraq. Characters of morphology , anatomy , palynology were studied for the first time in this paper , and their taxonomic value were discussed  . The morphological study consisted of studying the characteristics of the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds .As well as studying the morphological  characteristics of pollen grains for the polar and equatorial view  . As for the anatomical aspect , it is represented by studying the characteristics of the leaf epidermis and indumentum , as well as the transverse sections of each of the rhizome, stem and leaves .The current study of the species Cressacretica L showed that the genus is widespread in the central and southern regions of the country, especially in highly saline soils.


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