Emergency Conditions In The Urban Population Of Elderly And Senile People And Optimization Of Pre-Medical Care

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N. Yu. Stasevich. N. E. Zlatkina , L. S. Polonskaya , A. B. Viryasov


The processes of population aging and changes in the structure of morbidity with a predominance of chronic non-infectious diseases are interrelated and lead to an increase in the number of patients with severe chronic disorders. About 75% of elderly patients are constantly in a state of decompensation, which leads to a decrease in the quality of life, disability and death.
The introduction of new integrative forms of organization of medical care for this category of citizens into clinical practice is extremely relevant today.
There is a need for serious improvement of organizational technologies to provide a qualitatively new level of pre-medical care to the elderly population, including the recognition of emergency conditions, taking into account the leading clinical syndrome.

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