Results Of Analytical Study Of Growth, Development, Grain Yield And Quality Of Mung Bean Varieties As Main And Reproductive Crops

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Idrisov X. A (Ph.D) , Yusupova M.A (Ph.D) , Gaziyev M.A. dotsent , Qodirov J.J, Akbarov.R.Fteacher , Sodiqova Z.Tteacher


The article describes the influence of the studied factors on the symbiotic activity and dry matter accumulation of mung bean varieties in the conditions of meadow-swamp soils. Studies have shown that the growth of varieties in mung bean varieties was 2.3-5.2 cm higher when planted on June 20 and July 1 compared to the spring period. the symbiotic activity of the varieties relative to the spring sowing period was mainly higher when repeated on June 20, and slower when sown in July. Also, according to the norms of sowing in the flowering phase of the variety "Navruz", the average amount of dry matter accumulated in three years is 14.2 grams, in the flowering phase - 29.8-28.0, and in the flowering period - 72.7-66. When the Navruz variety was sown again on June 20, July 1 and July 10, the accumulation of dry matter in a single plant was reduced. According to the indicators of productivity, when the grain of the variety "Navruz" is re-sown on June 20, it is 1.5-0.9-1.7 s/ha according to the sowing norms compared to the spring sowing period, and in the variety "Durdona" respectively increased to 2.2–2.8 s/ha.At the same time, the timing and norms of sowing affect the protein content of the grain, and as the sowing rate increases, the amount of protein decreases. 0%, Durdona 0.3-0.5%.

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