Strategy And Improvement Of A Vernacular Language-Based Computerized Conservation Voice-Empowered Application For Social Legacy Fishing

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Dr. R.Udhayakumar, Shabana Parveen, N.Balamurugan, Y. Kumar sekhar, Dereddy Anuradha, K.S.Monica


Aquaculture is no exception to the wide range of industries that have benefited from recent improvements in information technology (IT). Because of the increasing relevance of aquaculture as a protein alternative, enhanced LT for aquaculture facility management and regional aquaculture development planning have been adapted and developed.
The purpose of this study is to examine how information technology (IT) may be used to improve aquaculture management. Instrumentation and process control, data management, and computerized models are among the information technologies examined. Informatization of decision-making, artificial intelligence (AI), image and pattern recognition (PR), GIS, and data centers/networks (DC/Net). Each of the technologies above will be briefly introduced before a survey of their present application, and prospective usage in aquaculture management.

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