Covid-19 Phenomenon On Restaurant Consumer: An Evidence From Indonesia

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Anton Bawono


This research aims to find changes in the consumption behavior of restaurant consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account the attributes of the COVID-19 Protocol and Halal and Tayyib. This research uses a quantitative method. Through 681 responses, the sample of this research only uses 666 restaurant consumers in Indonesia during pandemic Covid-19. The data used are primary data through the distribution of questionnaires to respondents. Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) is conducted for data analysis to verify the relationship between variables. The findings of this study are COVID-19 Protocol attributes are the essential variables on buying intention during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Other attributes tested proved to have a change in the effect on satisfaction and to purchase intent of restaurant consumers. The implications of this research are to bridge the needs of industry and research related to restaurant consumers. Restaurant industry players can use the results of this study to adjust the attributes they have to remain able to flow revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research focuses on restaurant consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic by improving variables related to the COVID-19 Protocol and Halal and Tayyib.

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