Speed control of three phase induction motor using Arduino and V/F technique

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R.Kannan, V.Jenitha, K. Karthikeyan, A.Ram Kumar


This study presents a speed control of three phase induction motors by utilizing Arduino UNO. Out of the contrasted
techniques for controlling induction motor, Voltage/frequency (V/F) Control bear shown expected the head adaptable. The V/F
control bear exist performed and bestowed in this study. One of the in the middle essentials concerning this plan happen that
the Pulse Width timbre (PWM) inverter. In this, PWM inverters are came into view and their yields governed to the Induction
Motor (IM) drives. The unrestrained temporary and unsurprising state reaction of the IM has happen gained by personal
exertion and private. This foundation to satisfactorily complete open circle V/F Control in contact a PWM-Inverter trained 3
phase inductionmotor, and in this manner the force exist amplify expected agreeing for various rotor speeds.

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