Optimized Sufferage algorithm for improving Load Balancing in Cloud Computing

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Mannava Yesubabu, Balaji Vuppala, P Nirupama, Swarnalatha P, A Srinivas


 The cloud computing model several benefits over previous using standard computing resolutions by conceptualizing analysis from infrastructure. In this an most important job for all cloud service provider is scheduling the task, all tasks are scheduled  to utilizing the resources in the cloud system by a cloud service provider. Many several scheduling task algorithms are available including with support it executes Low-Low, High-Low though every is distinct by routine trade-offs. Novel optimized Sufferage is  an  efficient new cloud scheduling jobs algorithm it enhances the effectiveness of execution process of the existing old Sufferage algorithm. This Model of an algorithm is implemented with the coludsim which  is available in open source and relating it to its predecessor are differentiate the  results for Novel optimized Sufferage technique  decreased execution times, reduced makespam, and enhanced load balancing of utilizing resources.

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