Leadership Model Analysis of Health Performance at Bies Health Center

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Ismail Efendy , Asriwati Amirah, Gustina Fitri


The leadership model really determines the success in an organization. According to WHO, good leadership will help produce good performance as well. Based on the performance evaluation of Bies Health Center employees, since the last 3 years, the minimum assessment target (SPM) has not been achieved, only 60% of the target set at 80%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the leadership model in terms of emotional aspects, reward aspects, instrumental aspects and informative aspects of the head of the puskesmas on the performance of health workers at the Bies Public Health Center. This type of research is a mixed method. The population is 60 people, the sample is the total population, and the informants are 9 people. Collecting data through questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate with chi-square test and multivariate using logistic regression test. The results showed that the performance of the Bies Health Center health workers in the good category reached 80%. The results of the chi-square test indicate that there is a relationship between the leadership model in the emotional aspect (p=0.000), the reward aspect (p=0.000), the instrumental aspect (p=0.000) and the informative aspect (p=0.000). There was a significant effect between the reward aspect (Exp(B)=65,738, 95% CI 4,617-935,976) and the informative aspect (Exp(B)=26,732, 95% CI 2,613-330,309). The conclusion of this study is that the reward aspect is the dominant variable affecting the performance of health workers.

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