Analysis of Adaptive Policy in Education Policies in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic in Makassar City

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Safaruddin , Juanda Nawawi , Nur Indrayati Nur Indar and Muhammad Tang Abdullah


A policy will be born along with the complexity of the needs, interests and demands of human life. The same is true when the Covid-19 pandemic occurs. The policy was born from the demands of pandemic conditions which are expected to be a solution and a shield to face the pandemic so that activities both in the social, political, and especially education fields can continue to be carried out. This study aims to describe the analysis of policy adaptive in education policy in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method is a qualitative approach. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, verification, and drawing conclusions. Policy adaptation in the implementation of education policies is carried out with several models depending on the situation, but under certain conditions these models can be combined. As is done in the implementation of learning where learning from home can be focused on life skills education, including regarding Covid-19. The meaning of learning done at home is not only limited as a substitute for face-to-face learning but also on students' understanding of the dangers of the Covid-19 pandemic so that they must carry out healthy lifestyles in everyday life. In addition, students can provide an understanding to families about the dangers and prevention of Covid-19. While the evaluation is carried out on policy choices through aspects of desirability (attractiveness), affordability (affordability), and feasibility (feasibility).

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