Life Style Factors Associated With Ampullary Carcinomaa

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Kaavya Jayaramayya, K.S. Santhy


Ampullary neoplasms are a diverse group of tumours that arise in the ampulla of Vater, the most common of which is ampulla of Vater carcinoma (AVC), while other rare malignancies, such as neuroendocrine tumours, can occur in this location. Smoking has been extensively researched and is thought to be causally connected to a variety of malignancies. Alcohol has been linked to the development of numerous malignancies, including liver cancer. Respondents were interviewed in-person by trained interviewers using a structured questionnaire to obtain information on demographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviors, and medical histories. Based on the responses of the respondents the sample size was 56 from Coimbatore city. SPSS version 17 was used to carry on the statistical analysis for the study. In the current study, the social background showed that in the study majority of the respondents were female, between the age of 31 to 40 years, have been to under graduation employed in some field mainly as government employees they are from low income category at present they are consuming alcohol and are into smoking. Majority of the respondents are into consanguinity marriage. The health condition of the respondents showed that majority were having co-morbidity and facing mental health disorder. Detail on tumor showed that majority were suffering with tumor from past 6 month to 1 year belonging to stage I of tumor with less than 2cm size. Because of tumor the respondents highly face problem of weight loss, bleeding from rectum and jaundice.

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