Urban Junction Improvement by Implementation of Roundabout

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Niranjan G Hiremath, Dr. Sumalatha J, Dr. Prabhakara R,


The growth of traffic in the road network of large cities in developing countries like India is a serious concern. Bangalore being one of the most populated cities around the world where commuters either a two-wheeler or four- wheeler or both vehicles makes it bad for the traffic flow as everyone uses their own vehicle and so during peak hours there are severe long traffic congestions seen.


Long traffic congestions are seen at the Sankey tank road, even after widening the road and improvement of the existing at grade intersection there were severe traffic congestions because of the vehicles which travel from west to east of Bhashyam circle. These congestions are traffic signals and the bad traffic management. Due to this, several accidents are often observed at the signalized intersection as a result of drivers trying to beat the light, or jumping the signal.


To solve this traffic problem, a roundabout can be installed on this signal controlled at grade intersection, which will result in traffic accumulation on both sides of the intersection, whereas if it is a roundabout, traffic will flow smoothly as converging vehicles will be forced to move around a large central island in one direction before weaving out of the traffic flow.

When compared to a signalised intersection, a roundabout not only delivers a smooth flow of traffic but also exhibits a significant reduction in conflict sites due to the unidirectional trafficflow. This eventually enhances the safety at the junction. In this report, we shall discuss about the design and implementation of roundabout on  the intersections and the flow of traffic after the implementation.

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