Peculiarities Of Professional Lingvodidactics In Teaching Foreign Languages To Pharmacist Students

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Khilola F. Maksudova , Nasiba Kh. Abulkasimova , Nazira A. Akramova , Mirjalol D. Yakhshiboyev


Currently, when the process of information and integration is extremely intensive, the further expansion of socioeconomic
and cultural ties between countries has made the study of foreign languages a vital necessity. Therefore, foreign
languages, in particular English, are taught in our country at all stages of the continuous education system, from preschool
education to postgraduate training, in all areas and specialties. At the same time, for students of pre-university training,
English is carried out according to one basic program, and in higher educational institutions - in two directions - teaching a
foreign language for philological purposes, i.e. preparation of future foreign language teachers and non-philological
education for specific purposes and professions (Language for Specific Purposes, LSP).

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