Creative Economy Empowerment In The Essential Oil Industry Through Cultural Values On Brand Preferences

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Wandah Wibawanto, Agus Cahyono, Rahina Nugrahani, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Triyanto


Essential oil is one of the export commodities that generate high foreign exchange for Indonesia. Some of the keys to developing the essential oil industry sector are through research and innovation, product formulation, and utilizing the latest technology in production to produce various downstream products with high added value. The development of essential oil marketing strategies can be seen from the perspective of the creative economy. This study is aimed to  discuss how the branding strategy carried out by Rumah Atsiri Indonesia in increasing the added value of essential oils produced by various SMEs in Central Java, Indonesia.The research was carried out using a qualitative descriptive analysis method in the form of texts, perceptions, opinions and other written materials. In addition, the SWOT analysis method is also used to identify problems through decomposition and mapping of each component. The results showed that exploring cultural values in branding preferences for the essential oil industry in Indonesia can help in conveying a good first impression for consumer psychology, in order to build a solid brand image that can improve added value for essential oil products.

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