Determinant Of Teacher Performance

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Nerru Pranuta Murnaka, Rusdarti, Rustono, I Made Sudana


The achievement of organizational goals reflects the effectiveness of the principal's leadership. Meanwhile, if the school employee (Teacher) assesses leadership effectiveness from the point of view of the satisfaction he feels. This study aims to determine whether a principal's leadership and organizational commitment influence teacher performance by mediating job satisfaction. The population in this study was all public junior high school teachers in Salatiga city who were government employees. The sampling technique used is probability sampling technique. Testing the research hypothesis using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis. The results showed that: (1) leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction. (2) a positive effect on performance. (3) commitment positively affects job satisfaction. (4) commitment has a positive effect on performance. (6) job satisfaction has a positive effect on performance. So the principal try to increase loyalty by growing a willingness to sacrifice through more awards with contributions from each individual in the junior high school school environment of the Salatiga city.

Keywords: principal's leadership, organizational commitment, and teacher performance 

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