An Evaluation Of The Effect Of Hot Water Intake On Physiological Changes In The Body

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Mithil Vora , Dr G Sridevi


Background- There are many physiological changes in the body due to hot water intake. Many people have contributed to create awareness and assess the changes the study focuses on, especially to evaluate the knowledge and assess the physiological changes the aim is to create awareness among dental students regarding the benefits of daily morning hot water intake.
Materials and Methods- Based on cross-sectional study, a survey was conducted among dental students on their hot water intake and any changes in the field due to the same question I was estimated through an online survey link that is Google forms. Nearly 75 students participated in and data circulated. Results were collected and statistically analysed through SPSS software version 23. Another study involved 20 participants dividing them into two groups, Group 1: Hot water intakers with regular intake of 500 ml of hot water every day morning for two weeks. Group 2: Non hot water intakers. The subjects assessed for certain physiological changes like Body Mass Index (BMI), body temperature and White blood cell(WBC) count.
Results- The results of the survey revealed that 62% were male and 38% were female. 66% of people were satisfied by their experience of hot water drinking. Out of hundred percent, 28.4% did not consume hot water and 5.4% were dissatisfied due to daily intake. Physiological changes after two week consumption were an increase in body temperature, decrease in BMI, increase in WBC count.
Conclusion- The study concluded that the respondents were aware of the physiological benefits of hot water intake and were much satisfied. Two weeks of hot water consumption had significantly decreased BMI and had an immunostimulatory effect.

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