Improvement Of The Technology Of Corn Cultivation Based On The Current State Of Fertility Of Saline Soils Of The Shaulder Irrigation Massif

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M.A. Ibrayeva, O.G. Yerokhina, K.M. Pachikin, M.N. Poshanov, Ye.Ye. Songulov


As a result of the conducted soil research, the morphological and chemical properties of the soils of the Shaulder irrigated
massif and adjacent territories were determined. A soil map and a map of soil cover degradation (scale 1:100000) were
compiled using remote sensing materials.
Maps of the content of humus, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soils were compiled and the current state of
soil fertility was assessed. It has been established that almost all soils of 90 peasant farms need nitrogen, phosphorus and
potash fertilizers, and the recommended doses of fertilizers must be applied strictly according to the cartogram.
For the rational and effective use of agricultural land on saline soils of the Shaulder irrigation massif of the Turkestan
region, along with the differentiated application of mineral fertilizers, it is also very important to use innovative technologies
for preserving and increasing soil fertility and the productivity of grain corn. As a result, it will be possible to preserve the saline
irrigated lands of farmers, and not remove them from arable land, given that the highest population density in Kazakhstan is in
the Turkestan region, 17 people per 1 m2

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