Text To Braille Conversion For Real-Time Teaching (For Grade III Braille)

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Purvang Patel , Dr. V.V.Hanchate , Dr. R.S.Kamathe


In the recent times , the universe is going to be completely electronic. Everything is accessible in a digital and virtual world and everyone is taking the benefit of that but the problem is what about the physically handicapped people . Can they also take the same benefit of the existing information ?.Most of the available information for the visually impaired people is in the e-books, magazines, and digital documents format. But when talked about implementing such a system in schools and colleges. No such provision has been made for it. Hence Real-time teaching becomes a big issue when it is addressed. The majority of the text to Braille conversion focuses only on the reproduction of the already available books and then their conversion into the Braille. Using the current project will be able to address the issue and help to teach the students in Real-time like the other normal students are taught in the school. For the implementation of this method, will be using a webcam, the language which this is using is Python, in Python this is using TESERRACT and Arduino board and for the output, solenoids would act as a feeling mechanism for the blind students. The main reason for using Python language is that Python has extensive libraries which can be called and used. The productivity and the speed of Python are also very high and also the data structures used in Python are user-friendly and the most important thing is they can be easily learned..

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