Role Of Let-7ain Breast Tumor Proliferation By Target Of PIK3CA And AKT1 Expression

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Suhyila Fadhil Ali , MohammedAl-Hajaj and Rafid Adel Abood


Let-7a is one of micro RNA family members and it consider as oncogene or tumor suppressor in different cancers. Breast cancer is one of these cancers which is effected by let-7a levels that founded, the levels of let-7a is down-expression in the breast tumor compare with healthy women. In this study, we determined thelet-7alevel in the breast tumor patients and compare with healthy women and increased the level of let-7a in the MCF-7 breast tumor cell line by transfection this gene which cloned with topo-vector and detected the proliferation by q RT-PCR for PIK3CA and AKT1.We founded that, the decrease of proliferation of breast cancer cell line compared with untreated control. These data reinforce the suggestions which consider that let-7a as tumor suppressor in the breast cancer and using as replacement therapy for breast cancer.

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