Knowledge, attitude and practice towards exclusive breastfeeding among rural mothers of central India.

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Katole Nt, Kale Js, Makade Jagadish, Abhishek Joshi


OBJECTIVES- To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice among rural Indian mother of age 6 to 24 month child regarding exclusive breastfeeding practices.

METHODS- This is cross-sectional analysis study, was conducted at tertiary care teaching rural hospital in India between December 2020 to June 2021. A self-administrated questionnaire was distributed to mothers of children attending pediatrics outpatient department at hospital. The questionnaire consisted of 4 parts, first part consist of  demographic variables, second, third and fourth part consist of questionnaires regarding knowledge, attitude and practice of mother towards exclusive breastfeeding practices.

Results: Out of the 200 participant, 185 (88%) completed questionnaire completely and validly. About 92% mothers know about importance of exclusive breast feeding (EBF), similarly majority of  mothers knows importance of colostrum (88%),but on down side only 38% mother knows EBF causes improvement in immunity, only 37 % mother aware that EBF can prevent diarrheal episodes. Except for prelacteal feeds and rejection of colostrum , practice of EBF is satisfactory in this region, majority of  mothers breastfeed their child (95%), gives feeding regularly, and continued till 6 month of age, also practice feeding during night(97%) and during illness (89%). While surprisingly still as much as (45%) mother still employ prelacteal feed practice before start of feeding, also terrible practice of discardation of colostrum  are practice  by (46%)  mothers.


Conclusion: Though there is good knowledge among mothers regarding  beneficial factors of exclusive breastfeeding also many mothers follows satisfactory breastfeeding practices, but still some bad practice are being used by many mothers in this region which can adversely health of  children , hence need to improve those terrible practices. Therefore  various strategies need to employ like health education, awareness programs, training programs for mothers to improve their practice and attitude towards exclusive breast feeding .

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