Cooperative Learning And Its Effects On The Development Of Problem Solving Skills In Secondary School Students, Callao

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Ungriana Trujillo-León , Raúl Delgado-Arenas , Shirley Delgado-Corazao , Nilda Corazao-Marroquín & Johnny Félix Farfán-Pimentel


This article entitled: Cooperative learning and its effects on the development of problem solving skills in students of 2nd grade of secondary education of the I.E. "Sor Ana de los Ángeles". Callao. Its main objective was to determine to what extent the application of cooperative learning referred to basic strategies, influences the development of problem solving skills in students of 2nd grade of secondary education of the selected educational institution. This is an explanatory-causal study, of a basic type, with a quasi-experimental design, of longitudinal cut; the study sample corresponds to 90 students selected for this purpose. The survey and the respective research instruments or questionnaires were applied as a technique. The study was developed under the quantitative approach and the hypothetical-deductive research method was applied. The results showed that the coefficient of determination, represented by the R2, had a value of 0.757, which indicates that cooperative learning has a 76% influence on the development of problem-solving skills in 2nd grade students of the I.E. "Sor Ana de los Ángeles", Callao.

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