E-Government In The Peruvian Public Management System: A Theoretical Analysis

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Guillermina Valer-Limaco , Raúl Delgado-Arenas , Shirley Delgado-Corazao , Nilda CorazaoMarroquín & Johnny Félix Farfán-Pimentel


Currently, very important changes are being observed worldwide, basically in the development of digital
transformation, particularly in e-government, which has the primary function of bringing the State closer to citizens
to meet their multiple needs and services in the various sectors of public management such as health, education,
production, communications, transportation, among others, which are vital for the sustainable development of a
nation; Therefore, e-government is a technological infrastructure that makes public policies viable and strengthens
democracy and the rule of law, playing a fundamental role in the attention to the sectors of the population that
require the attention of the State. The methodology used is a theoretical review with scientific foundations that
allow having a broad perspective on this theoretical construct. Theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis,
induction-deduction, historical-logical were used. The general objective of the research was to carry out a theoretical
analysis of e-government in Peruvian public management.

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