Effect Of 12 Weeks Plyometric And Strength Training On Explosive And Spiking Speed Skill Of U-17 Volleyball Project Players

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Astatkie Bogale , Aemiro Asmamaw and Belayneh Cheklie


This study aimed to examine the effect of plyometric and strength training intervention on explosive and spike speed skill of U-17male volleyball trainees. A total of 68 project players participated in the study and randomly allocated into four groups. The first group participated in plyometric training, second and third groups took part in strength and combined training respectively. The fourth group (control group) had participated only in the usual volleyball training program. The presented variables were the Spike jump, Block jump height in centimeter, standing broad jump distance in meter and spike speed in radar. In addition, to strength and plyometric training 24 Bure site players took part in spike skill training. The outcomes showed a significant difference between the four groups (Pre vs. Post) and the combined group scored the most prominent result of all other groups. Also plyometric and strength training significantly improved spiking speed, in EG at (p<0.05). But, no significant differences were found in all of variables in CG (p>0.05). Thus, it is concluded that a 12-week PT and ST intervention with the range of exercise intensity from 60% to 90% can positively impacts explosive power of the lower legs, and boosts the vertical jumping abilities.

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