A Review Of Current Research In Precision Medicine And Gene Therapy

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Personalized and effective therapies for a variety of genetic and chronic disorders are promised by the rapidly developing fields of precision medicine and gene therapy in the healthcare sector. With a rising number of academic institutions and biotech firms committed to promoting these cutting-edge technologies, India is one of the world's leaders in the fields of precision medicine and gene therapy.Since the government began promoting personalized medicine and genetic research, India has made major advancements in the field of precision medicine.In the same direction, gene therapy is also gaining popularity in India, where several clinical trials are being carried out for the treatment of genetic disorders such thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, and congenital blindness. The Indian government has also started initiatives to promote the study and development of gene therapy. In India, the fields of precision medicine and gene therapy are expanding quickly, and substantial progress has been made in the development of individualised and efficient therapies for a variety of genetic and chronic disorders.

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