Global Bioethics In Medicine And Healthcare: The Why And How?

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A world without bioethics is like a child in a candy store without supervision. Bioethics is crucial in guiding the scientific community to ensure that their research and practises are ethical, moral, and socially responsible. Without bioethics, there would be a high risk of unethical experimentation and exploitation of vulnerable populations. This has important implications for global bioethical trends in medicine and healthcare. For example, it provides a framework for addressing ethical issues related to emerging technologies such as gene editing and artificial intelligence. Bioethics ensures that these technologies are developed and used in ways that are ethical, moral, and socially responsible and that they do not harm individuals or society. Without bioethics, there would also be a risk of scientific research being driven solely by profit or political interests rather than ethical considerations. For instance, there have been cases of pharmaceutical companies prioritising profits over patient safety by releasing drugs that had not undergone sufficient testing or had dangerous side effects. Therefore, it is imperative to work in accordance with regulatory and legal frameworks, for any mistake can have tremendously grave consequences, especially in a field like medicine and healthcare, which primarily deals with the lives of people and their families.

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