Spray Drying And Crystallisation Of Ammonium Paratungstate

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Anil Kumar Murmu```


In this paper two basic processes of dried powder formation, spray drying and crystallization are being discussed along with the various process factors and condition affecting these two processes. Many authors have written about tungsten chemistry in aqueous solutions. Para tungstate is a type of tungstate. Through a series of reactions, an ion creates the normal Tungstate. The Existing Intermediates are of low concentrations. Tungsten concentrate impurities can form heteropoly tungsten anions but do not
contaminate the APT crystals. At room temperature, orthorhombic decahydrate crystals crystallize. The APT tetrahydrate was used in this case. If the staring concentrations are not too high, monoclinic APT.4H2O cuboids generated at temperatures above 50°C. To obtain powders of higher quality, properties such as number, size and pretreatment of seeds in the case of crystallization, and concentration, air pressure, and temperature in the case of spray drying must be controlled. Spray drying has the advantage of producing a dry powder quickly and controlling the particle size distribution, but it has its own set of economic issues. Crystallization, on the other hand, can be accomplished using only a single beaker and filter paper.

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Author Biography

Anil Kumar Murmu```

Department of Chemical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla