Study Of The Antibacterial Activity Of Extracts And Oil Of Uvilla (Physalis Peruviana L) On Strains Of Escherichia Coli, Salmonella Spp And Arcobacter Spp In Ecuador

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Favian Bayas-Morejón , Riveliño Ramón-Curay , Katherin Beltrán-Moso and Mary Moso-Ortiz


Resistance of pathogenic bacteria to multiple antimicrobials has become a global threat to health and food safety. This research
determined the antimicrobial activity of extracts and oils of Physalis peruviana, where it was established as study factors: extracts
of parts of the plant (leaves and stem) and oils of the uvilla berry (using soxhlet); for antimicrobial activity, Escherichia, Salmonella
and Arcobacter strains belonging to the microorganism bank of the State University of Bolivar were used. After the analysis, the
stem extract showed a better inhibitory effect against Escherichia coli strains with a halo diameter of 14,67 mm, a value very close
to that produced by streptomycin and penicillin; with respect to the Salmonella strains, the best effect was presented by the oil of
the Physalis peruviana berry with 14 mm, in this case, the antibiotics for clinical use presented values greater than 20 mm. Finally,
for Arcobacter the results were not encouraging, being only the extract of the leaves the one that presented activity of 3,5 mm,
well below that established to be considered an antibiotic agent. Therefore, it is concluded that the analyzed uvilla extracts and oils
are effective against γ proteo bacteria, but not against ε proteo bacteria.

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