A Study On Evaluation Of Junk Foods Consumption And Its Impact On Health

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Junk foods is a term for food that is of minimal dietary benefit and regularly high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Low
quality food can detrimentally affect levels of energy and mental prosperity. Utilization of enormous amounts of
low-quality food is related with an exceptional decrease in the utilization of nutritious food. Aim: To study the junk
food consumption and nutritional status of college students and to evaluate the effect of junk foods on student’s
health Method: The type of study design is analytical cross-sectional survey with a interview technique using closeended questionnaire to obtain quantitative data. Data was collected among the students of Dr. N.G.P. Arts and
Science College in Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India. Selected subjects were in the age between18-20 year’s
adolescence age groups. Anthropometrical measurement such as height, weight, body mass index (BMI) were noted
with the standard equipment and the biochemical parameters were collected from primary source. Results: The
results shown higher percent of participants were males, with fat and obesity percentage was (31%) among females.
A probability of P<0.05 level of significance was considered significant shows that the planned instructional module
was effective and showed improvement in the knowledge level of school children about health hazards of junk foods
and their food frequency were also taken to know about their consumption pattern. Conclusion: The present study
found that excess consumption of junk food causes abnormalities of quantitative and qualitative data. So nutrition
education is needed to enhance their health status.

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